A rare opportunity to learn and participate in traditional Eastern Woodlands Native social dances, led by Nipmuc tribal members Andre StrongBearHeart Gaines, Jr., and his nephews Daishuan Reddeer Garate and Miguel Wandering Turtle Garate. Honored Guests Liz Coldwind Santana Kiser, Elder, Council Woman and Tribal Historical Preservation Officer for the Chaubunagungamaug Band of Nipmuck Indians and Roger Longtoe Sheehan, Sagamo (Chief) of the Elnu Abenaki Tribe.
Social dances are done for fun, for socializing, and to express the joy of having been given the gift of life. It is made up of easy to learn steps, done by people of all genders and ages in order to create a sense of friendship and community.
Source: https://nolumbekaproject.org/events/
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