Andre Strongbearheart Gaines Jr.

Andre Strongbearheart

Gaines Jr.

Andre StrongBearHeart Gaines, Jr., is a citizen of the Nipmuc people. He serves as a cultural steward for his Tribe, is a father, public speaker, traditional dancer, Indigenous Activist for Indigenous rights, carpenter by trade and educator. With 17 years in recovery Andre is a recovery sponsor and integrated life coach for those in need. Andres work focuses on bringing traditional knowledge back to Indigenous Peoples.

Some of this consists of how to flesh and brain tan hides to make items such as drums/waterdrums, buckskin, and blankets. This work is focused on cultural revitalization and preservation by also building traditional homes (wetus) and burning out dugout canoes (mishoonash).

Andre is a board member of Native Land Conservancy ( actively works alongside of various landtrust to create cultural inventory reports and fights to make the LandBack movement visible. Andre  is also the founder and creative director of (

Andre's work is grounded in restoring balance between everyday life and traditional values while navigating the colonial systems we live in. Cultural revitalization, family, and traditions values are the driving force that keeps Andre ever diligent on his daily journey.

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